Remember that when you leave this Earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given, a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. -St. Francis of Assisi

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Starved Rock State Park, IL

More Photos from the park

On May 1, 2010
I took myself on a weekend trip to Starved Rock State Park
to celebrate what would have been my 34th wedding anniversary
And what did I see
A wedding was being held just a few yards from my cabin
So I sat on the porch and watched the wedding.

1 comment:

  1. Such a magical place! I used to run there to get away from the burbs. To sit under the lush green canopy, listening to the birds, water, the rustle of leaves, absorbing the energy. An interesting dichotomy for you. Thank you for returning me to these memories.


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It is the sandstorm that shape the stone statues of the Desert. It is the struggles of Life that form a person's character ~ Native American Proverb