Remember that when you leave this Earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given, a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. -St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Taking a break

I've taken a bit of a break from blogging. I have just recently posted a few things after several months of not posting. I have not commented much. I have been reading your blog posts using my phone instead of my laptop.  It is not easy to type a comment using the phone.

I have been spending time with my family, and I do not take my laptop with me to my daughters house. 

Sophia @ 6 months  / February 2014

I am not traveling right now and hope to resume travel blog posts or maybe start a different blog soon. I will be back on the road in May. I have a summer workamping job set up in Cody, WY.

I am thinking about different ways to work while traveling, maybe some self-employment again, maybe some website income. I need to clean up my email account and do some basic computer maintenance before I can start on any projects that have to do with a computer.

Time to adjust the sails and see where the wind takes me.


  1. Blogging breaks can be really good. Cody in the summer is really an interesting and busy place. You shouldn't be bored. Spending time with family (especially when it includes such cuties) is the best.

  2. I certainly understand the difficulty of blogging when life doesn't seems quite blog worthy. I for one would miss your thoughts. We share unique and different experiences from many bloggers....I say share your circumstances and the unique option of living and, working both in and out of our RV's while sharing the lives of those we love. Take a break but Don't loose touch!!

  3. WooHoo, pictures of Sophia! I will look forward to hearing about your experiences in Cody, and anything else you choose to write about.

  4. Your Granddaughter is beautiful and happy.
    It will be interesting to hear about what comes next. did you ever get the work done inside the RV?

  5. Blog breaks are often needed but also thanks for the update.

  6. Sophia just couldn't be cuter! What a doll!

    Have fun during your break and we'll be here when you return. You'll stay on my Blogroll for sure! :)


Hi, I welcome your thoughts and comments.

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It is the sandstorm that shape the stone statues of the Desert. It is the struggles of Life that form a person's character ~ Native American Proverb