Remember that when you leave this Earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given, a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. -St. Francis of Assisi

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The 33rd Annual Plains Indian Museum Powwow

Saturday - June 21, 2014

There are four sacred colors
The East is white, the color of dawn. 
The South is blue, the color of the sky overhead at noon.
The West is red, the color if the setting sun. 
And the North is black, the color of night. 

The Powwow brings together Native dancers, drum groups, families, and artisans to share the Native cultures of the Great Plains.

Grand Entry ushers all participants into the powwow arena at noon and 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 21, and at noon on Sunday, Jun 22. After a welcome and opening prayer, host drum Arapaho Nation from Arapahoe, Wyoming, sing flag and victory songs. Competitive dancing begins after the posting of flags by color guard Apsáalooke Nation Guard from Crow Agency, Montana. Arena Director is Charlie White Buffalo, and Master of Ceremonies Robert “Corky” Old Horn announces from the stage and makes it easy for visitors to follow the action.

Dancers range in age from tiny tots (children under 6) to golden age (adults 55 and older). Dance categories include traditional, grass, and fancy for men and boys; and traditional, fancy shawl, and jingle for women and girls. This year’s specials include gourd dancing, tiny tots, women’s fancy shawl, men’s traditional, men’s chicken dance, and team dancing.

Tiny Tot dancer

I arrived around 11:00 to walk around the vendor booths and to watch the dancers preparing for the Grand Entry. I had to work at 2:00, so I was only able to stay for the Grand Entry and did not see any of the competitive dancing. 


  1. I have always been fascinated by the plains Indian culture.

  2. Haven't been to a gathering in quite some time, but always enjoy them immensely. Glad you got to experience this one!

  3. I always enjoyed going to these Powwow's but haven't been for a quite sometime. Love the toddlers.


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It is the sandstorm that shape the stone statues of the Desert. It is the struggles of Life that form a person's character ~ Native American Proverb