Remember that when you leave this Earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given, a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. -St. Francis of Assisi

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Done with the garage sale........  for now.

Prep work, pre-sale and a 4 day garage sale.

Everything is packed up. A huge pile of stuff is on the front lawn.... for pickers, or the garbage men in the morning. I will have a 2 day garage sale in October. I held back a few unsold items for the October sale.

I did not have time to empty the basement - or the shed - or the Christmas boxes from the upstairs crawl space..... so, there is more to sell.

I will have more furniture for sale in October.

Heading south for the winter.

Positive Thinking:  My house will be sold before winter.

I'm tired...... can't write anymore.

Thanks to everyone that helped me!!!


  1. Your need a rest! Garage sales are a lot of you are glad this one is over. Hope it was successful. Good luck on the sale of the house...think positive!

  2. All the best on that house sale. You are systematically picking off all your lined up ducks quite nicely.

  3. The last garage sale I had you could have put me in a corner and let me mumble to myself after it was done, I was so tired! Sounds like yours went well and you handled it well. Congratulations!

  4. Having it on the market is the first big step. It will sell!

  5. Aren't you glad? I was so tired of having "sales", it seems I am still going thru stuff!
    Where are you heading for the winter?

  6. Hope you did well and do well in Oct.
    Yard sales are such a drain, When we emptied out my Dad's place we had 3 yard sales and finally just called and donated the rest of the stuff. My dad didn't know his wife was a hoarder. I think he just tried to ignore it as much as possible.I know the house will sell good luck.

  7. Yea, the yard sale is over. I'll bet you're exhausted. Now it's time for some fun. Where to next?

  8. Well, thank goodness the 4-day garage sale is over. It's such a big job, that's why I had an Estate Sale for everything I wasn't taking with me. You had a lot of nice things for sale. You have three months to slowly organize things for the next one so it won't be so much work all at once. And take more trips!


Hi, I welcome your thoughts and comments.

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It is the sandstorm that shape the stone statues of the Desert. It is the struggles of Life that form a person's character ~ Native American Proverb