Remember that when you leave this Earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given, a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. -St. Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stuff, stuff and more stuff

I am just overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in my garage,
and I haven't even dragged everything out of the house, yet.

It's amazing that I lived very comfortably in my coach for over a month without all of this STUFF!

And the hot, humid weather is not helping.

Last year when I had a garage sale, a lot of the stuff was in boxes on the floor, and people dug through the boxes and kept asking "how much for this?". I think this year it be like that again. 

Not enough tables to hold everything. My Dad helped me group some things together yesterday, but it just seems like there is too much to get it organized. 
The sale will be for 4 days and I can organize as we go along, as things sell, we can move things around. Today and tomorrow I will try to get price tags on most things. 

Can't post my address here. To those readers that have my address - tell all of your friends - and, please come and shop - I absolutely have to clean out the garage.

July 14-17
8am to 2pm
Low, low prices
Books and magazines
Fabric and quilting supplies
Plastic Storage Containers
Kitchen Items
and lots and lots of STUFF

Thankfully, my neighbor offered her driveway
for the coach - so it will be parked there from
Wednesday afternoon until Sunday afternoon.
(I was planning on parking it in front
 and putting it back into the driveway each night.)
Thank God for nice neighbors!!!


  1. have a great garage sale!..hope you sell all your stuff!!!

  2. Wishing you much luck with the garage sale!

  3. It's a daunting task, but so freeing when it's over. You have less stuff that you don't need and more money $$. Nice. Good luck, I hope it's very successful and that you have fun at your sale.

  4. wow four days... you are tougher than I - we had two one day garage sales and I hope to never have another in my life

  5. You have some pretty cool Stuff there. But so right, it can be lived without. Good luck on your sale. Don't forget to eat and take your vitamins as you'll need lots of energy for a 4-day sale.

  6. Man I wish I lived close to you. I love the rocking chairs and is that a wicker table? Then I saw the pottery crock sitting with the old lantern and such. See you could have sold those to me. :) Oh well good luck hope you sell lots of stuff.

  7. Garage sales sure can be exhausting. Hope yours is a big success.

  8. Good thing I don't live have lots of good "stuff"...I'm always asking myself "Where did it all come from...why did I buy this"?...


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It is the sandstorm that shape the stone statues of the Desert. It is the struggles of Life that form a person's character ~ Native American Proverb