Remember that when you leave this Earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given, a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. -St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, April 4, 2011

RV Cooking

I guess I have to explain my diet a little. I rarely eat out, but I don't "cook".  I eat mostly fruits and vegetables, either raw or steamed in the microwave. 

I don't eat totally vegetarian, I do eat chicken and fish.  Most RVers eat out or have potlucks, so I can have chicken and fish at these times. Not too sure what I would contribute to a potluck, maybe a rice dish or a salad.

I have a small electric rice cooker that I use for rice and oatmeal and other grains.  I make tea in a coffee maker and I have a small one serving blender to make smoothies.

Simple life - simple diet.

I really didn't want a stovetop and came across a small class C that was originally set up as an office. I have always been the type to turn on a pot of water to boil and forget about it. So, I was afraid to have a propane cooktop in such a small space. I rarely use my stovetop/oven that is in my house.

The RV I mentioned earlier has the full bath in the rear, and the kitchen in the middle, but there is no cooktop and no kitchen sink.  All the pipes are there, just no hole cut in the top. It has a microwave and refrigerator.

If I add solar panels, I should be able to operate the small kitchen appliances without a problem.

This particular RV has a very open feel, the cabinets are counter top height and not the tall closet pantry type cabinets. The RV does not feel like a long hallway with cabinets on both sides. It has the standard rows of cabinets above the couch and dinette and over the cab area. 


  1. you have to buy what works best for you and the lifestyle you live!..happy shopping..hope you find what you are looking for!!

  2. We all eat to many processed foods. I wish I had the self control to eat just raw and steamed foods.

    Get the RV YOU want.

  3. Will solar panels operate your appliances?

    This sounds like a nice set up for You. The only reason I wouldn't want a kitchen is because I don't like to cook, yet I Do like to eat.

  4. We do have an oven in our Motor Home but have never used it except for storage. In fact with all the RV's we've had we have never once used any of the ovens in any of them. Sounds like I like all the food you can't eat or don't like.

  5. We have had ovens in previous RVs and found them to be generally useless (other than storage) for our diets. Our diet is much like yours, very simple. Our current RV came with a convection oven. Ellen is not impressed with it but the oven part does work “okay”. Thanks for the nice comment last night, appreciated. We have been at the “Kentucky Horse Park”, Lexington, Kentucky for the past couple of nights. Yesterday we actually had sirens/announcements going off here in the park; there was a tornado warning for our area. I can tell you that there was some excitement here for awhile until things settled down.


  6. I chose a Vegan diet and its not hard to keep it up at home, but on the road its hard! This country revolves around the eating and using of animals--yuk-- Eating out is a big problem. On my last road trip I carried a one eye electric plate and used it in my motel when there was no microwave--it worked great.

  7. Your diet sounds simple and healthy. Good for you. The RV sounds good. If you think you can live in it comfortably to fit your lifestyle, it is a good choice. Thanks for coming by A Camp Host's Meanderings yesterday and commenting. Yes, the cowboy was in our yard at the park where we live and volunteer. I love that horse and the rider's stripped shirt.

  8. If I never had to cook another day in my life I would be a happy camper indeed! But my husband works hard building and he needs calories..he is one those that never gains an ounce while I can just look at food...and you know. We seldom eat is all processed food and microwave at restaurants anymore. Having the open feeling in an RV would be great!...just as long as you are sure you are going to keep it...might hurt the resell value without a kitchen.


Hi, I welcome your thoughts and comments.

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It is the sandstorm that shape the stone statues of the Desert. It is the struggles of Life that form a person's character ~ Native American Proverb