Remember that when you leave this Earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given, a full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. -St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, February 7, 2011


All the talk of Alaska is driving me crazy. When my niece was helping me shovel the 2 feet of snow last week, she sculpted the edge of the snow pile, and she said "look, I made you a glacier, now you don't have to go to Alaska". I have wanted to go on an extended trip to Alaska for many years.
I've had the opportunity to take a one week cruise, but I wanted more than that, so I waited.

Many years ago, I started a subscription to the Alaska magazine and bought a pair of MukLuks (warm & comfy here in Illinois, too). I have many books about Alaska and people who live in/traveled to Alaska.

I was thinking.... when I buy my RV this year, I would plan a trip to Alaska for 2012. Now I'm going crazy trying to decide if I should just go this year. It would be totally crazy and insane, and probably not a good idea for a first solo trip.

But I have been known to do things impulsively.

I started blogging after reading Jen's blog "".
She took a solo trip to Alaska and the Arctic Circle.
So, it can be done.
Take a deep breath, think this through. Alaska will still be there in 2012. Use 2011 to travel around and get used to my new life.


  1. While I'm sure it can, and probably has, been done, I would use the first year to get the kinks out before you head to Alaska. JMHO

  2. I spent seven weeks on an Alaska trip in 2004, and have wanted to go back ever since. Can't do it this year, but maybe 2012?? Who knows! :)

  3. Go wherever your heart desires. You can learn along the way wherever you go. Start making contacts now. Sure wish I was going along. I've dreamed of AK for a long time. But I'll have to work a winter somewhere to take a summer off.

  4. go where ever you want!!..and have a great time along the way!!!

  5. Hmmm. I might ditto the comment to possibly work out some of the kinks first. When we first started up we traveled close to home quite a bit before our first cross country trip. There is always "stuff". Doesn't mean you can't be impulsive, just be impulsive maybe a bit later?? Wouldn't it be cool if a few of the solo rv'rs all did that trip in 2012? Would be great support for everyone.

  6. Take the time to grab yourself some good old experience with the RV Lifestye & your rig before embarking on a long Alaska trip. It is wiser to let your head lead your heart in this case. Alaska will wait for you & your trip will be more enjoyable with some experience under your belt:))


Hi, I welcome your thoughts and comments.

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It is the sandstorm that shape the stone statues of the Desert. It is the struggles of Life that form a person's character ~ Native American Proverb